Welcome to Complete Radio Silence the blog where a real music fan reviews his entire music collection as well as anything he can get his hands on . . . this will take some time but the Radio will not tell you what you have to think is cool anymore.
My name is Kevin P. Johnson and I have collected music since probaly around 1983-84 and my collection is as varied and assorted as a music store and I hope that my reviews will both entertain and help you find great music and know what a real fan thinks about everything.
I do not own every album by every band I like so there will be gaps in reviews but if I'm missing it and you really want a review I will try to get it or borrow it from someone but I can't guarantee any reviews. You may request that I review a band and if I have it I will try to move them up the list. I won't be doing this in any real order but I will try to do all the reviews of a band at once so if I decide Green Day is next I will do all of the Green Day that I have at the time and if anything new is added to the collection later I will add it ASAP.
Welcome to my little world lets go for a ride!
- Kevin P. Johnson